Newsletter April 14, 2023

Its been a long time since I went on a vacation and this one is going to be big!

I am going to Bali on a yoga retreat which is a the furthest I have ever traveled. 12 hours ahead of us and the flight will be 23+ hours when I finally arrive. So that isn't a quick trip. I haven't gone away on vacation since 2019 and this is much needed. I will be gone for 2 weeks and back taking some time to adjust when I get back as well.

However once back, refreshed and ready to go, I will be back offering workshops so check the schedule below. I am also going to do a Wednesday night workshop/series online this summer for 5 weeks... more to come. My private sessions are still available and summer will offer some more open time to book appointments as well; as the school I work at will be on summer break.

In the meantime I recorded many new videos on my YouTube channel. If you subscribe you already got the message when it released. I hope it helps you and maybe suggest it to others in need of some physical, mental or emotional balance.

Finding balance isn't easy but we can all loose it so easily. We give away our power and when we do so, taking it back leaves us with pride and energy. So how will you take back your power? Think on that especially in the world today where we can so easily give up hope. Don't. Take it back. You got this!

See you in a couple of week!
