Newsletter article March 11, 2022: First experiences

There are many first experiences in our life but the one thing about them is that often we start out scared and then that changes.

The one that I often remember is attending my first yoga class. I hated it! We stood in-front of mirror and I was 27 years old, working hard and also studying for the CPA exam. I didn't know what it was like to be still much less stand and pause. Sure I was used to seated meditation but that was often at the end of my day to settle and go to sleep. So once the class was done I didn't return to yoga till years later and this time I was ready to consider what was being taught.

Today I was teaching a group of young ladies and started with a seated practice of slow movement. Immediately one of them remarked "I can't meditate". Interesting because I never called it that but she reacted this way anyway. Later another person shared "I can't remain still". I helped them redirect and return to the slow movement and taught them a tool to help them concentrate. Being patient we simply started over and I observed that they were finding pauses and stillness even if they weren't aware of it. One of the ladies who made a comment talked to me after and shared that she found herself calming down and liked the technique I taught her; therefore she allowed her first experience to change her initial reaction. Sometimes as a teacher we can help at that time but other times it is when the student is ready; for now all I can do is plant a seed that may grow at some other time.

Personally I used meditation techniques to pass the CPA exam back in the 90's. The exam questions are designed to trip you up because they expect those to follow their first impulse and knew that many would not fully listen to the question, so they put the wrong answer as a choice. Therefore after lots of money in education and prep courses, the biggest tool was applying my yoga and meditation to slow down, pause and re-read it again; remove reaction and have a clear response.

I hope you will take time today and this weekend to pause and if that is challenging start off identifying your reaction out-loud to yourself. Identifying the feeling takes away some of its power and even if the response is still angry, sad, tired or upset, you have shifted some of the reaction in that moment.

March is rolling in some changes that we are all experiencing. Covid requirement shifts and I see many with new in person work schedules. Already in my area the traffic is heavy again and tensions are higher with it. Remember to be patient, kind and find times to pause. You will need it as you allow time to get used to this new way of living and working.

For some it is spring vacation in the next couple of weeks. I have some open time between new sessions at the school I teach at, so if you are interested next Weds (16th) or Thursday (17th) there is early afternoon times as well as the week after. My personal classes are still online but if you live in the Alexandria VA area you can book and pay additional rate for in person if you prefer. Also new weekend times have been added as well so be sure to check those out as they often do book up faster.

Stay safe and keep moving forward. Have a good day for no reason!

