Newsletter December 30, 2022 - New Year

Different cultures have different times of the year for celebrating the new year. However many of us acknowledge the end of the year as a time to reflect and set goals; this often includes making changes to our health. Make no mistake though the diet industry is already out there promoting ways to make you feel bad for your body. Instead I like to try a different approach.

What if we could enjoy who we are and be glad for the action we take to move and enjoy the present moment? Often I work with so many who are moving in yoga but they are negatively beating themselves up and focused solely on how tight or weak their body feels. However I remind them they are taking action right now to change that; this is Karma! The action you take now impacts tomorrow, so instead of focusing on tomorrow we can focus on right now being ok.

Often though the goals are short lived but it doesn't have to be. Making change is hard but I often suggest making the goals small and reachable; breaking them down from your larger goal. I can help you do this and design a plan in a yoga, meditation or yoga therapy session.

For the new year maybe you want to do some private or group sessions so be sure to check my schedule. I do offer online and in person (in limited areas). If you don't see a day or time available feel free to email me and we can talk.

I hope you will have a wonderful holiday and take time to enjoy it the way you want.

Rest, recover and restore.

Happy New Year!
