This week is Thanksgiving and to me it has an even deeper meaning than ever before. I have to look even harder at what I am grateful for and not find myself drifting into worry or blame right now.
Many State Governors are talking about the mood of the US and that so many are tired and because they are emotionally done with the pandemic they are taking unsafe risks. Be aware of this though... the virus is not over. Now is not the time to hurt yourself or others so please remind yourself of a larger and more important point; long term what you want to be around for. Years from now the history books will mention the pandemic; they will talk about it for a few seconds and what remains is our legacy.
Living the pandemic is quite different but knowing it will pass allows me some comfort. In the meantime find ways to remain calm and this may mean talking to a therapist, receiving therapy or discussing with your doctor health concerns you may have, because right now the anxiety and depression is chronic and is a serious health risk.
As a Yoga Therapist I am here and have a list of other therapists as well that I can recommend so all you need to do is ask. Find ways to nurture and be safe. You are in my thoughts.
"Have a good day for no reason!"