51st birthday and I didn't do much because I am still keeping away from indoor places especially with crowds during the pandemic. I went briefly into an auto-parts store the other day and many looked at me as if I was strange because I wore my mask. One of the cashiers had his friends handing out and they weren't wearing a mask or keeping a safe distance. Also a store clerk was stocking the shelf but his mask was under his nose.
So no I don't feel we are ready yet to handle bigger responsibilities just yet. Especially not till I see people really understand that the science is proving that a mask and having a distance over 6 feet works. Many areas around the US are showing that when they enforce this plan that it works and numbers decline. I watched a video on the NIH site that showed the spray distance without a mask, then with different kinds of masks. Ok that is good enough for me...I will do it. It is easy enough and the least I can do after all. But still many react out of fear, worry and blame.
Sure I would have liked to go away or out at a restaurant - but the choice didn't make me depressed or mad. Right now this decision was based clear facts on what I have to do to help myself and others. It is not permanent and that reminder is rooted in my meditation practice. Whenever I find myself feeling worried, upset or scared - I am reminded of the impertinence to everything; that in fact there is very little that is permanent. You may hear me say this in yoga and meditation classes and we always need reminders of this because our thoughts like to offer a quick reaction that is scared and worried; that somehow we are going to be this way forever.
When I suggest that this moment is not permanent, some may think I am suggesting that it will improve or get better, but it doesn't mean that. The deeper view is that it may be get worse long before it is better; so we should keep our focus on right now. What action needs to be taken that rooted in kindness, compassion empathy and wisdom?
This practice helps me especially when I think this is moment is bad or unbearable. I remind myself "don't get ahead of yourself because it will change". This takes practice to develop an awareness to our thoughts, reactions and emotions. This also doesn't mean that we can't plan or take action. It is just a reminder that we want this to be done with mental clarity.
For sure we have goals...like voting in November... but with some hope, wisdom and inner love, we can ease into change and make clear decisions.
Finally this past week I have had some contacts tell me that they are injured or had a surgery but used to be very physical. "I used to do yoga but I can't move that way anymore". Ok - lets start with the fact that there are different kinds of yoga. This led me to expanding the many kinds of yoga on my webpage so be sure to check this out. Also be sure to read the tab under services that also explains the difference between yoga and yoga therapy.
Right now we need these practices more than ever and I hope to see you at yoga or meditation practice online with me where we can cultivate more ease and joy.
In the meantime stay safe. Have a good day for no reason!