Newsletter October 5, 2023

I don't know about you, but I feel like this year is flying by. I am very excited about the change of season and was a bit disappointed that this week has been so warm. However, as we go into the change it can often lead many of us to reevaluate our life, clean things out and shift our plans.

It is ok to start over and if anything, my yoga and meditation practice has helped me to stop clinging to what I remember and be with things as they are.

Seeing things as they are is challenging because we may not like to admit what we discover. For some reason this week I have had many insist that they can multitask. First of all, I am here to tell you that the brain can't. The brain can task fast though, however what happens in tasking that fast is that we are bound to miss things. Furthermore, doing this all the time is exactly why so many are living with chronic states of anxiety.

There are times when someone still insists that they can do this and I move on with what I am doing. Then I come back to them for their thoughts they often reply with "what did you say?" So I reply, "oh, I thought you said you could process two things at the same time?" Of course they don't like to admit this and most often don't recognize the irony as they are too busy notice what they just did; not multi-tasking at all.

In nature the change of the season is a time to slow down.

Get ready for winter and we may need more sleep and heartier foods.

Slowing down is going to help us perform better in our day and

possibly listen better as well.


Below are ways to find me for online and in person sessions.

I hope you are well and that I will see you again!
