Newsletter January 31, 2024

Some of you know I have two small dogs, both around 16 years old, and they have terminal issues. Jack had his follow up ultra-sound to observe his heart and the cardiologist looked at me and said 'we rarely see this' however his heart size is back to normal. This doesn't mean that he is healed however it meant we could cut back some of the medication he is on that can hurt other organs. This picture is us in the doctors office.

Additionally, I had a surgery January 3rd to repair an abdominal hernia and it ended up being a larger area they repaired so the healing is taking longer however each day gets better.

Fact is meditation and yoga taught me not to run away from my feelings or current situations. I learned to be with right now even when it isn't great. Unfortunately, our culture is more about numbing or avoiding when we have problems or discomfort.

Yet when we do that, we live in a place where we constantly need to numb over and over and we begin to observe that it isn't solving anything.

Often, we repeat the numbing and avoidance for a long time.

So maybe it is time to try another way?


I am offering more private in person and online sessions. Friday lunch and afternoon is open still and I will offer at 20% reduction in the rate for this day & time slot.

Email me if you want to know more. Lessons are customized to you; want more physical focus, mental or meditation? Just let me know.

I also offer corporate sessions, where I come to office retreats, outings or lunchtime functions where they want to do some breathwork or meditation.

Having worked in corporate myself for 25 years I understand the office stress and can offer coping skills the group can apply on their own.

Hope to see you soon and email me if you have any requests or questions.
