Newsletter March 23, 2024

It takes courage to use discernment and question your beliefs. Allowing ourselves to remain open prevents us from developing a fixed view in life which can hurt us and others. Fixed views show up in our mental well-being; leaving us disconnected, withdrawn, paranoid, and suspicious.

Being courageous doesn't mean that you won't be scared though. You are human after all, and will feel discomfort, anger and sadness; especially when faced with ideas that conflict with your inner narrative, belief or desires.

Human nature tends to dismiss, reject, blame or combat alternative views or changes often as a way to protect. Feeling a threat does have its place, however the body remaining in a flight, fight or freeze response is a serious condition today; impacting our health.

How to resolve this remains a question for many

and maybe working with someone would help you.

This may be with a yoga therapist, talk therapist or group therapy.

In the meantime, consider being flexible and curious

which allows you to continue to learn, adapt, change and find solutions.

Our fixed view of who we are in yoga may also be something we question and

it takes strength and energy to transform resistance into a place that

was beyond our initial thought or belief.

From this place so much more can grow, connect and collaborate

physically, mentally and emotionally.


Hope to see you soon and email me if you have any requests or questions.
